I'm Lara, I am a birth doula and a KGHypnobirthing teacher. I have completed my 90 hours lactation education and I am working with breastfeeding dyads to achieve the 1000 hours I need to take the IBCLC qualification to become a lactation consultant. My 5 year old has called me the 'booby lady 'for years and I love it when businesses that do exactly what they say on the tin, so here birthed 'Birth and Booby Lady'
Having my son has been completely transformative, both because I am utterly besotted with him, but also because I found birth such a profound event. I would describe myself as a bit of a birth nerd, Im completely fascinated by the science behind birth and how life-saving modern medicine in birth can be - but I'm also struck by how we have forgotten that our bodies know exactly how to give birth, like any other mammals, and that in forgetting that we have disrupted the hormonal dance in a birthing woman that supports her in achieving a natural birth. Through my training with Nurturing Birth and KGHypnobirthing, I understand the techniques, including low lighting and hypnobirthing trigger words, to support mothers in maintaining the hormonal dance that allows birth to be both empowered and even ecstatic.
It is a human right for women to be able to choose the kind of birth she would like, of course medical situations influence our choices, but I strongly feel even when a woman has limited choices that these choices should be hers and should be supported. It was in understanding the physiology of birth and the rights of the birthing mother, that I decided to become a doula and a hypnobirthing teacher, so that I could support women to have the birth they want. I also think women are beyond incredible that our bodies are so powerful and gentle at the same time - basically women rock!
Birth is a significant event in a woman life and with the right support and knowledge this can be an incredibly empowered and even ecstatic experience. Either through the hypnobithing training and/or as a doula for birth - I support parents in taking control in the choices and decisions about their birth and help them to birth the way they want. In order to make these choices you need to have evidenced-based knowledge about birth and understand the tools and techniques right for you to help you have the birth you want. You can have an empowered c-section, just as much as you can have an empowered home birth - and everything in between.
Having my son has been completely transformative, both because I am utterly besotted with him, but also because I found birth such a profound event. I would describe myself as a bit of a birth nerd, Im completely fascinated by the science behind birth and how life-saving modern medicine in birth can be - but I'm also struck by how we have forgotten that our bodies know exactly how to give birth, like any other mammals, and that in forgetting that we have disrupted the hormonal dance in a birthing woman that supports her in achieving a natural birth. Through my training with Nurturing Birth and KGHypnobirthing, I understand the techniques, including low lighting and hypnobirthing trigger words, to support mothers in maintaining the hormonal dance that allows birth to be both empowered and even ecstatic.
It is a human right for women to be able to choose the kind of birth she would like, of course medical situations influence our choices, but I strongly feel even when a woman has limited choices that these choices should be hers and should be supported. It was in understanding the physiology of birth and the rights of the birthing mother, that I decided to become a doula and a hypnobirthing teacher, so that I could support women to have the birth they want. I also think women are beyond incredible that our bodies are so powerful and gentle at the same time - basically women rock!
Birth is a significant event in a woman life and with the right support and knowledge this can be an incredibly empowered and even ecstatic experience. Either through the hypnobithing training and/or as a doula for birth - I support parents in taking control in the choices and decisions about their birth and help them to birth the way they want. In order to make these choices you need to have evidenced-based knowledge about birth and understand the tools and techniques right for you to help you have the birth you want. You can have an empowered c-section, just as much as you can have an empowered home birth - and everything in between.